Sunday, December 25, 2011

Why Exercise WONT make you Thin. --Very interesting article!!,9171,1914974-1,00.html

WOW so I just read this and have to say I believe what it says! I have ALWAYS struggled with "compensatory eating" as I get SUPER hungry after working out! I had gone 2 weeks of working out 45 -60 mins at a time, once a day and "trying" to eat healthier! I have been BUSTING TAIL, but getting so discouraged when my mind cracks and I OVER indulge on sweets! I realize that it will take time for me to change my eating habits and I try very hard not to get down on myself, ESPECIALLY knowing that that can only hurt my progress! I really liked what this article said!

Basically the "Work out MORE, and eat LESS" theory is BOGUS! --Didnt actually say that, but it is NOT as efficient as media and even doctors of today have made it out to be!

Overall what I took from this article:


**Move MORE!- Small bursts of exercise THROUGHOUT the day, rather than ONE HUGE PUSH of exercise!

I like this for several reasons, less pain, less exhaustion, more cognitive health, more energy, more motivation!

"If I (hit the gym, hardcore) less, I might feel like walking more instead of hopping into a cab; I might have enough energy to shop for food, cook and then clean instead of ordering a satisfyingly greasy burrito."
 "For his part, Berthoud rises at 5 a.m. to walk around his neighborhood several times. He also takes the stairs when possible. "Even if people can get out of their offices, out from in front of their computers, they go someplace like the mall and then take the elevator," he says. "This is the real problem, not that we don't go to the gym enough.""

DEFINITELY Read this article!!!! 

I feel like this really HITS HOME, but is so far from what is popular! 

This doesn't say that exercise is BAD! Exercise is GOOD and prevents major disease to include cardiovascular disease and diabetes! 

SUMMARY: Take it EASY! Take the stairs, get ACTIVE, but do not expect heavy exercise to equal WEIGHT LOSS! 

Healthy EATING will be the KEY to long term, HEALTHY weight loss! 

Easier said than done! SO-- I could use some advice on a weight loss/excersise plan! I dont want to continue these crazy, time consuming, HARD workouts when I could instead do 30 mins to 1 hour of yard work, or hiking, or I DONT KNOW, but just not sitting all day! --- THIS seems like a healthier alternative! 

I am at the same weight as when I started this for the EXACT reasons listed in the article! After a 30-45 minute cardio work out I am exhausted and sit more throughout the day! I have been avoiding sweets and unhealthy food as much as I can but the BURST of NEED comes after I work out and I just eat whatever I can get my hands on! UGGGGHHH! So. Between that and the holiday. My cold. I am discouraged. BOOOO!!! 

K so here is my resolve! Find a happy medium that I can deal with and STICK TOO! --- I am STILL going to work out, but not to the point of pain! Maybe more Yoga and Pilates! I love the pull and PAIN of a great work out, but hate the crash that come after a hard core CARDIO work out! Then again, cardio has never been my strong point! 

Maybe I can get more excited about biking! I got a kabuss for the boys and just need a bike! I could ride to base instead of staying home! haha.... Yeah...... We will see! I know the Outdoor Recreation Center on base has lots of stuff like Hiking trail maps, rock climbing trips! There is a rock wall at Ramstein! That may be SUPER HARD in the beginning, but I could definitely see myself more excited about that then working out in my living room with my kids under my feet! BOOOOOOO!!!----- WHY DOES THIS HAVE TO BE SO HARD!?!?

Oh yeah... Because I can't change over night! It took years to make these habits. It will take time to break them. :)

Share your tips and routines, cookbooks, theories below!! 


  1. I recommend checking out ... it is an easy way of making a lifestyle change by catching all our extra calories in the day. Everyone I know who has used it has lost weight and kept it off. As for the exercise ... that I do to feel good and toned. I love yoga and running and stepping. Sometimes I dance. It doesn't really matter what you do as long as you do it at least 3 times a week. I do it more because I like the way my body feels when I do. If I am having a "lazy" day or don't want to sweat as much, I do yoga. If I need a mood lift I run. Start a dance troupe - hip hop. I find that if I am teaching a class, that makes me get moving when I'm less motivated. You were really into dancing when you were a youth -- maybe you should share that talent with your friends and offer them a line dance class! Have fun!

  2. Jess-

    I know working out has many challenges and you are right, big work outs do use up a lot of your energy but they are still important. One thing I learned from an instructor is that the first 20 minutes of a work out is only burning the calories that you've consumed that day, it doesn't burn "fat". Anything after 20 minutes (of cardio) is what burns fat. So if you are only working out 30 minutes then you are only burning fat for 10 minutes. I hope that makes sense to you. The same instructor did give me a few tips on exercising and eating healthy.

    Eat a small meal or snack right before you work out. Nothing too heavy. Something like an apple or so. Also, eat within the first 30 minutes of waking up. Your metabolism doesn't start working until you eat, so to keep it working all day long, eat sooner.

    Don't push yourself to the point of exhaustion when working out. If you get tired from running/jogging then use then walk at a fast pace. The reason you may be so tired after a work out is because you pushed yourself harder than your body could take.

    Eat protein and/or carbs after a work out. That should fill you up and not make you want to grab a burger. The lady told me she always drinks a glass of chocolate milk after a work out. That could be good if you are wanting sweets immediately.

    And the last piece of advice she gave me was that losing weight is about 90% eating well and 10% exercise.

    From your blog you seem to be doing a terrific job. And remember that muscle weighs more than fat, you may not be losing weight but you could be losing fat. I hope you take this as me trying to be helpful and not me being a "know it all". Honestly, I couldn't tell you if this is all true or not, it's all second hand. I just trust the girl who was helping me. :)
