I have heard it said that a food addiction is like unto a rotten ex. I suppose that would explain why getting over it is so dang HARD! Grrrrrr!...You have attached yourself, come to love and care for your addiction! Food has become a center piece in your life! It seems that you couldn't be more in love with your food... and then you realize what it is doing to you. You see how much damage this relationship is causing! YOU BAIL! Right?! -- That's what the SMART person does anyways! Then there is me, and maybe you! I LOVE my food! I cant help but think that one more yummy snack will make me feel better! I reward myself with Chocolate Lava cake ala carte! (Mmmmm..... DANGIT!) I remember the taste, the smell, the texture... Ooooohhhh! THEN-- I REMEMBER... This relationship is NOT HEALTHY! Oh yeah! ...Doink!
In the past 2 weeks of working out and trying to eat healthier I find myself STARVING, or so it seems, on occasion! Its like my body NEEDS to eat RIGHT NOW, what EVER sounds good, or LOOKS good at the time! That has included some healthy, and some NOT so healthy foods including but not limited to, chocolate, baby carrots, french fries, chicken breasts, pasta, chips and salsa, and more! This is all stuff that in moderation I could have NO PROBLEM right?! But who can have just one piece of chocolate?? NO I have to eat the whole BAR, because I am STARVING!! ...
Here is where my brain is getting messed up. Its confused. I used to eat a LOT of (good and) BAD stuff, ALL the time! I ate when I was bored, tired, sad, happy, on dates with my husband! We ate ALL THE TIME! Without even realizing it I was wandering into the kitchen to grab something even if I WAS NOT HUNGRY, purely out of HABIT! Thats right! I can admit, I ATE FOR NO REASON AT ALL!!!!! Because it tasted good, and sounded like a pretty good idea at the time!
Sound familiar?
So-- I have muddled around with some ideas and would LOVE your input and ideas as well! :) PLEASE feel free to comment tips on what works for you!
I am going to start this week trying to:
a) Gather up ALL my sweets, salty snacks, and unhealthy junk and either DITCH IT, or put it in a box at the BACK of my pantry on the TOP shelf, where I am most likely to forget about it, but can get to it if I DO get a craving that NEEDs to be satisfied, RATHER than ignoring my cravings until I want to explode and go binge at Burger King! :) -- I am thinking that could help!
Any body want some CAKE MIXES?!?! :)
b) I am going to limit my meals to small portions (no MOUNTAINS of PASTA) on ONE PLATE(!) and eat every 2-3 hours, just like when I was pregnant! I have read that eating often helps your metabolism figure out that you are NOT STARVING! :)
c) I am going tomorrow to stock up on my favorite veggies and fruits so I have a large supply for my snacks and meals!
d) FIND MORE PROTEIN! -- Your body needs this to burn fat, and it is more filling than veggies! This is a MUST HAVE for your healthier eating habits! (Almost said diet, but decided that might be unwise!) :)
SO SUMMARY-- Hide junk! Smaller portions! Eat often! Eat FRUIT, VEGGIES, and PROTEIN! WHOOT WHOOT! Go ME!
Being AWESOME may have its difficulties, but I am STRONGER than my sweet tooth! I am a FREE AGENT and I can CHOOSE to eat HEALTHY!
Best luck to you fellow struggle-rs on the path to finding your inner AWESOME!
my advice: trash it all! if it's not in your house it's impossible for you to eat! keep fresh fruit, veggies and NUTS. almonds and sunflower seeds with raisins or cranberries are a great, filling, energy providing snack. drink lots and lots of water and unsweetened herbal tea (peppermint is awesome). sugar addictions are no joke (as you are learning) and bread and pasta actually make it harder to break. only eat whole grain carbohydrates to keep the bad sugars at bay but still fulfill your cravings. for protein eat beans, beans and more beans! we eat chickpeas almost every other day in some form or another (make hummus to dip veggies in!!) you can puree white beans and put them in sauces, or mash black beans and make 'burgers'. you are actually trying to kick a habit-addiction, just like smoking. you're doing right looking for a support system! it can be very difficult to retrain your body to crave the right things after a lifetime of eating a certain way. you could cut a little out at a time, like have a no chip rule... keep the other things but no more chips... then a month from now cut out fried foods. then another month cake-y things. eventually (trust me on this) you will realize that you haven't had ice cream in a 8 months and you really don't miss it anymore. it takes a lot of time, so be very patient with yourself. and don't get discouraged if you 'slip up' because tomorrow is a new day :) sorry to write you a book! haha!
ReplyDeletebtw, this is one of my favorite food blogs, you might love it too: http://www.katheats.com/
ReplyDeleteThanks SO MUCH Kari! You are so wonderful! I would LOVE to get with you and get some ideas about healthy food! Thank you for your support! That is so true! I keep telling myself, I didnt get this way over night! It will take time to make new habits and fix my messed up relationship with food! ;) Thanks! You are so Awesome! :)