I was asked what is my weight loss plan? I thought my response worth remembering! :)
don't really have a set plan per se! More approprietly I am taking
small steps, have small goals set and as I overcome each I will be one
step closer to a healthier me! :) I am destressing, decluttering,
getting active, working out every day, eating healthier, making changes!
Its all steps toward real life changes! No magic diet! I'm not going to
obsess over food/calories! I'm finding healthy replacements for my
snacks and favorite foods and doing lots of research on smart eating
habits, work out tips, and I am BLOGGING! :) Its helping me to get my
thinking straight! I'm starting from the inside out! :)
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Friday, December 30, 2011
Exercise routines? Easy for FAST/ BUSY Mommies!
K so a short tip on getting in that ACTIVITY when you just cant seem to find time to brush your hair, your teeth, remember to EAT! :) Kids have that affect some times!
A- FIND A BUDDY! Seriously, I am STILL waiting to WANT to work out everyday! Having a buddy keeps you accountable, keeps you on track, and can motivate you to finish that LAST 2 MINUTES! ... That last 30 SECONDS! Find someone! It helps! It doesn't take a lot of space for 2 in your living room, or you could even meet up at the gym! The Gym even has a family room! Check it OUT!
B- BodyRock.tv
This is a GREAT resource as it is loaded with video workouts, warm ups, cool downs and motivational tips! Its a community! Join! Get motivated! Get moving! Its FREE and its at HOME! You can do it anywhere! Its generally between 12 and 15 minutes! They have a timer application you can download to your phone, and you get 10 second breaks in between 30-50 second intervals! :) Check it OUT!!
C- The Biggest Loser videos are fantastic! I have been doing the Biggest Loser: Bootcamp video with Bob Harper and he is WONDERFUL! He is encouraging and motivational!
D- DANCING! I am thinking I need to check out ZUMBA as I read that you can burn 500 calories in just one class!
E- Yoga is also great! 500 Calories in 1 hour!
500 Calories burned a day = 1 Pound a WEEK!
Happy FAT Burning! :)
A- FIND A BUDDY! Seriously, I am STILL waiting to WANT to work out everyday! Having a buddy keeps you accountable, keeps you on track, and can motivate you to finish that LAST 2 MINUTES! ... That last 30 SECONDS! Find someone! It helps! It doesn't take a lot of space for 2 in your living room, or you could even meet up at the gym! The Gym even has a family room! Check it OUT!
B- BodyRock.tv
This is a GREAT resource as it is loaded with video workouts, warm ups, cool downs and motivational tips! Its a community! Join! Get motivated! Get moving! Its FREE and its at HOME! You can do it anywhere! Its generally between 12 and 15 minutes! They have a timer application you can download to your phone, and you get 10 second breaks in between 30-50 second intervals! :) Check it OUT!!
C- The Biggest Loser videos are fantastic! I have been doing the Biggest Loser: Bootcamp video with Bob Harper and he is WONDERFUL! He is encouraging and motivational!
D- DANCING! I am thinking I need to check out ZUMBA as I read that you can burn 500 calories in just one class!
E- Yoga is also great! 500 Calories in 1 hour!
500 Calories burned a day = 1 Pound a WEEK!
Happy FAT Burning! :)
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Counting Calories- Weight Loss Basics. Mayo Clinic
This is a great link as they provide clear instuctions on how to CUT calories in your diet!
"Cutting calories doesn't have to be difficult. In fact, it can be as simple as:
(And I am just SO TIRED!... Bed. calling. my. name!)
"For a successful — and sustainable — weight management plan, you also need to increase your physical activity. It's this combination of regular activity and healthy eating that will help you achieve and maintain a healthy weight."
Thank you Mayo Clinic for breaking this down for my simple mind! :)
"Cutting calories doesn't have to be difficult. In fact, it can be as simple as:
- Skipping one extra high-calorie indulgence a day
- Swapping high-calorie foods for lower calorie options
- Reducing portion sizes"
(And I am just SO TIRED!... Bed. calling. my. name!)
"For a successful — and sustainable — weight management plan, you also need to increase your physical activity. It's this combination of regular activity and healthy eating that will help you achieve and maintain a healthy weight."
Thank you Mayo Clinic for breaking this down for my simple mind! :)
50 Healthy Ideas for 2012-- Whole Living
This is FANTASTIC! I may just have to read at LEAST 1 article every day!
This includes tips on healthy eating, exercise, and meditation! :)
This includes tips on healthy eating, exercise, and meditation! :)
Why Exercise WONT make you Thin. --Very interesting article!!
WOW so I just read this and have to say I believe what it says! I have ALWAYS struggled with "compensatory eating" as I get SUPER hungry after working out! I had gone 2 weeks of working out 45 -60 mins at a time, once a day and "trying" to eat healthier! I have been BUSTING TAIL, but getting so discouraged when my mind cracks and I OVER indulge on sweets! I realize that it will take time for me to change my eating habits and I try very hard not to get down on myself, ESPECIALLY knowing that that can only hurt my progress! I really liked what this article said!
Basically the "Work out MORE, and eat LESS" theory is BOGUS! --Didnt actually say that, but it is NOT as efficient as media and even doctors of today have made it out to be!
Overall what I took from this article:
**Move MORE!- Small bursts of exercise THROUGHOUT the day, rather than ONE HUGE PUSH of exercise!
I like this for several reasons, less pain, less exhaustion, more cognitive health, more energy, more motivation!
"If I (hit the gym, hardcore) less, I might feel like walking more instead of hopping into a cab; I might have enough energy to shop for food, cook and then clean instead of ordering a satisfyingly greasy burrito."
WOW so I just read this and have to say I believe what it says! I have ALWAYS struggled with "compensatory eating" as I get SUPER hungry after working out! I had gone 2 weeks of working out 45 -60 mins at a time, once a day and "trying" to eat healthier! I have been BUSTING TAIL, but getting so discouraged when my mind cracks and I OVER indulge on sweets! I realize that it will take time for me to change my eating habits and I try very hard not to get down on myself, ESPECIALLY knowing that that can only hurt my progress! I really liked what this article said!
Basically the "Work out MORE, and eat LESS" theory is BOGUS! --Didnt actually say that, but it is NOT as efficient as media and even doctors of today have made it out to be!
Overall what I took from this article:
**Move MORE!- Small bursts of exercise THROUGHOUT the day, rather than ONE HUGE PUSH of exercise!
I like this for several reasons, less pain, less exhaustion, more cognitive health, more energy, more motivation!
"If I (hit the gym, hardcore) less, I might feel like walking more instead of hopping into a cab; I might have enough energy to shop for food, cook and then clean instead of ordering a satisfyingly greasy burrito."
"For his part, Berthoud rises at 5 a.m. to
walk around his neighborhood several times. He also takes the stairs
when possible. "Even if people can get out of their offices, out from in
front of their computers, they go someplace like the mall and then take
the elevator," he says. "This is the real problem, not that we don't go
to the gym enough.""
DEFINITELY Read this article!!!!
I feel like this really HITS HOME, but is so far from what is popular!
This doesn't say that exercise is BAD! Exercise is GOOD and prevents major disease to include cardiovascular disease and diabetes!
SUMMARY: Take it EASY! Take the stairs, get ACTIVE, but do not expect heavy exercise to equal WEIGHT LOSS!
Healthy EATING will be the KEY to long term, HEALTHY weight loss!
Easier said than done! SO-- I could use some advice on a weight loss/excersise plan! I dont want to continue these crazy, time consuming, HARD workouts when I could instead do 30 mins to 1 hour of yard work, or hiking, or I DONT KNOW, but just not sitting all day! --- THIS seems like a healthier alternative!
I am at the same weight as when I started this for the EXACT reasons listed in the article! After a 30-45 minute cardio work out I am exhausted and sit more throughout the day! I have been avoiding sweets and unhealthy food as much as I can but the BURST of NEED comes after I work out and I just eat whatever I can get my hands on! UGGGGHHH! So. Between that and the holiday. My cold. I am discouraged. BOOOO!!!
K so here is my resolve! Find a happy medium that I can deal with and STICK TOO! --- I am STILL going to work out, but not to the point of pain! Maybe more Yoga and Pilates! I love the pull and PAIN of a great work out, but hate the crash that come after a hard core CARDIO work out! Then again, cardio has never been my strong point!
Maybe I can get more excited about biking! I got a kabuss for the boys and just need a bike! I could ride to base instead of staying home! haha.... Yeah...... We will see! I know the Outdoor Recreation Center on base has lots of stuff like Hiking trail maps, rock climbing trips! There is a rock wall at Ramstein! That may be SUPER HARD in the beginning, but I could definitely see myself more excited about that then working out in my living room with my kids under my feet! BOOOOOOO!!!----- WHY DOES THIS HAVE TO BE SO HARD!?!?
Oh yeah... Because I can't change over night! It took years to make these habits. It will take time to break them. :)
Share your tips and routines, cookbooks, theories below!!
Sunday, December 18, 2011
I dont have TIME for LATER!
That's right! NO TIME for LATER! At least that's what I keep telling myself about my dishes and HEY, its totally working!
NOW-- Apply this to my workout routine and my 2 weeks minus 2 days of every day working out will become 2 WEEKS STRAIGHT!!! B)
Find a Motto that works best for you! Then SAY it EVERYTIME you start to falter!
"Oh man, I am so TIRED (valid complaint), I will just work out LATER this afternoon!"
Do it NOW! You don't have TIME for LATER! :)
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7 Steps to Problem Solving
2. Look, Listen, and Think. FIND THE PROBLEM.
3. Make a PLAN! Write it down. X3. 3 different options.
4. Choose a Plan and MAKE IT WORK!
5. Find a Support Group! (Husband, family, GOD! -- Pray often!)
Face Problem.
6. ReEvaluate! - Go back if nessesary to pick new plan!
The END= You either reach your GOAL or you are DEAD! :)
Compliments of my AWESOME DADDY! :) Check out The Seven Steps for Highly Effective People, by Steven R. Covey. Its practically my Dad's handbook to life!
Mom says to EAT FRESH! If it didn't grow that way DON'T EAT IT! ;) Wheat you can have because it grew that way, but in general go as NATURAL as you can! ORGANIC! Shop that outer aisles!
Mom says! :)
Mom says! :)
Healthy Food Heartache!
I have heard it said that a food addiction is like unto a rotten ex. I suppose that would explain why getting over it is so dang HARD! Grrrrrr!...You have attached yourself, come to love and care for your addiction! Food has become a center piece in your life! It seems that you couldn't be more in love with your food... and then you realize what it is doing to you. You see how much damage this relationship is causing! YOU BAIL! Right?! -- That's what the SMART person does anyways! Then there is me, and maybe you! I LOVE my food! I cant help but think that one more yummy snack will make me feel better! I reward myself with Chocolate Lava cake ala carte! (Mmmmm..... DANGIT!) I remember the taste, the smell, the texture... Ooooohhhh! THEN-- I REMEMBER... This relationship is NOT HEALTHY! Oh yeah! ...Doink!
In the past 2 weeks of working out and trying to eat healthier I find myself STARVING, or so it seems, on occasion! Its like my body NEEDS to eat RIGHT NOW, what EVER sounds good, or LOOKS good at the time! That has included some healthy, and some NOT so healthy foods including but not limited to, chocolate, baby carrots, french fries, chicken breasts, pasta, chips and salsa, and more! This is all stuff that in moderation I could have NO PROBLEM right?! But who can have just one piece of chocolate?? NO I have to eat the whole BAR, because I am STARVING!! ...
Here is where my brain is getting messed up. Its confused. I used to eat a LOT of (good and) BAD stuff, ALL the time! I ate when I was bored, tired, sad, happy, on dates with my husband! We ate ALL THE TIME! Without even realizing it I was wandering into the kitchen to grab something even if I WAS NOT HUNGRY, purely out of HABIT! Thats right! I can admit, I ATE FOR NO REASON AT ALL!!!!! Because it tasted good, and sounded like a pretty good idea at the time!
Sound familiar?
So-- I have muddled around with some ideas and would LOVE your input and ideas as well! :) PLEASE feel free to comment tips on what works for you!
I am going to start this week trying to:
a) Gather up ALL my sweets, salty snacks, and unhealthy junk and either DITCH IT, or put it in a box at the BACK of my pantry on the TOP shelf, where I am most likely to forget about it, but can get to it if I DO get a craving that NEEDs to be satisfied, RATHER than ignoring my cravings until I want to explode and go binge at Burger King! :) -- I am thinking that could help!
Any body want some CAKE MIXES?!?! :)
b) I am going to limit my meals to small portions (no MOUNTAINS of PASTA) on ONE PLATE(!) and eat every 2-3 hours, just like when I was pregnant! I have read that eating often helps your metabolism figure out that you are NOT STARVING! :)
c) I am going tomorrow to stock up on my favorite veggies and fruits so I have a large supply for my snacks and meals!
d) FIND MORE PROTEIN! -- Your body needs this to burn fat, and it is more filling than veggies! This is a MUST HAVE for your healthier eating habits! (Almost said diet, but decided that might be unwise!) :)
SO SUMMARY-- Hide junk! Smaller portions! Eat often! Eat FRUIT, VEGGIES, and PROTEIN! WHOOT WHOOT! Go ME!
Being AWESOME may have its difficulties, but I am STRONGER than my sweet tooth! I am a FREE AGENT and I can CHOOSE to eat HEALTHY!
Best luck to you fellow struggle-rs on the path to finding your inner AWESOME!
In the past 2 weeks of working out and trying to eat healthier I find myself STARVING, or so it seems, on occasion! Its like my body NEEDS to eat RIGHT NOW, what EVER sounds good, or LOOKS good at the time! That has included some healthy, and some NOT so healthy foods including but not limited to, chocolate, baby carrots, french fries, chicken breasts, pasta, chips and salsa, and more! This is all stuff that in moderation I could have NO PROBLEM right?! But who can have just one piece of chocolate?? NO I have to eat the whole BAR, because I am STARVING!! ...
Here is where my brain is getting messed up. Its confused. I used to eat a LOT of (good and) BAD stuff, ALL the time! I ate when I was bored, tired, sad, happy, on dates with my husband! We ate ALL THE TIME! Without even realizing it I was wandering into the kitchen to grab something even if I WAS NOT HUNGRY, purely out of HABIT! Thats right! I can admit, I ATE FOR NO REASON AT ALL!!!!! Because it tasted good, and sounded like a pretty good idea at the time!
Sound familiar?
So-- I have muddled around with some ideas and would LOVE your input and ideas as well! :) PLEASE feel free to comment tips on what works for you!
I am going to start this week trying to:
a) Gather up ALL my sweets, salty snacks, and unhealthy junk and either DITCH IT, or put it in a box at the BACK of my pantry on the TOP shelf, where I am most likely to forget about it, but can get to it if I DO get a craving that NEEDs to be satisfied, RATHER than ignoring my cravings until I want to explode and go binge at Burger King! :) -- I am thinking that could help!
Any body want some CAKE MIXES?!?! :)
b) I am going to limit my meals to small portions (no MOUNTAINS of PASTA) on ONE PLATE(!) and eat every 2-3 hours, just like when I was pregnant! I have read that eating often helps your metabolism figure out that you are NOT STARVING! :)
c) I am going tomorrow to stock up on my favorite veggies and fruits so I have a large supply for my snacks and meals!
d) FIND MORE PROTEIN! -- Your body needs this to burn fat, and it is more filling than veggies! This is a MUST HAVE for your healthier eating habits! (Almost said diet, but decided that might be unwise!) :)
SO SUMMARY-- Hide junk! Smaller portions! Eat often! Eat FRUIT, VEGGIES, and PROTEIN! WHOOT WHOOT! Go ME!
Being AWESOME may have its difficulties, but I am STRONGER than my sweet tooth! I am a FREE AGENT and I can CHOOSE to eat HEALTHY!
Best luck to you fellow struggle-rs on the path to finding your inner AWESOME!
Friday, December 16, 2011
Healthy Food.... Not as hard as you might think!
So I have been working out with a friend every morning for 30-45 mins and then the past few days we have made yummy healthy food afterwards as kind of a late breakfast/ early lunch! She made an egg dish with zuccini and onions and peppers, I think it was called ?keeeeesh? haha. THIS is what we made at our house yesterday! :)
Simple yet DELICIOUS! Just grilled chicken and mushrooms, grilled to beautiful, perfection on a George Foreman Grill (xoxo) and fresh red peppers! AND EVERYONE, including Jude LOVED it! :)
Now I just have to figure out how to make THIS more healthy! ;)
Yup I made this too! This is a shell pasta with a creamy cheese sauce, made from a 12 euro block of cheese I cant name, that we bought at the Fall Bazaar! :) It has green and red peppers, onions, mushrooms and ham!--- DELICIOUS... But not an every day meal! haha
***LOVE my new Camera! So happy with these pics! I will be getting more practice for sure! Soon I may have to attempt my cookbook again but with PICTURES!! :)***
Simple yet DELICIOUS! Just grilled chicken and mushrooms, grilled to beautiful, perfection on a George Foreman Grill (xoxo) and fresh red peppers! AND EVERYONE, including Jude LOVED it! :)
Now I just have to figure out how to make THIS more healthy! ;)
Yup I made this too! This is a shell pasta with a creamy cheese sauce, made from a 12 euro block of cheese I cant name, that we bought at the Fall Bazaar! :) It has green and red peppers, onions, mushrooms and ham!--- DELICIOUS... But not an every day meal! haha
***LOVE my new Camera! So happy with these pics! I will be getting more practice for sure! Soon I may have to attempt my cookbook again but with PICTURES!! :)***
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Let this Journey Begin...
I am SO excited to have begun this journey, and that I have the technology available to me to keep a record of my progress and to share it with my friends, family, and readers! What an amazing blessing!
I would like to start by filling you in on how I got to where I am today!--- Long story short, or as short as I can muster! haha
I am 23 years old, 24 in one month. I have 2 baby boys and they are 2 1/2 and almost 9 months. I have a husband whom I LOVE DEARLY and have been married to for 4 years and counting! I am the oldest of 6 children, 8 total to include my cousins whom we adopted when I was a teenager! Yes. That is 8 kids. At one point we had 8 kids, 10 people in one house, 2 cats, and 1 dog... and 1 bathroom! haha. :) It was loud, crazy, fun, and often very VERY difficult!
When I look at who I am today I have SO MUCH to be grateful for, so MANY who love me, and yet I have much deep rooted pain that has festered for years and is on occasion rubbed raw again only to be covered up and ignored again, or I will heal a little at a time and slowly my wounds become scars. After years and years my scars will begin to fade as long as I continue to let them heal. On occasion they are ripped back open! This is life. I cannot allow the pain of yesterday to hinder my tomorrow! THUS BEGINS MY JOURNEY!
I have read that having a negative body image can not only hinder your progress, but lead to ultimate failure! THUS I have started meeting with a counselor! With her I am finding that above all my other issues, I am simply TOO HARD ON MYSELF! I am not Kind enough. I am not realistic. I set myself up for failure by setting my personal expectations TOO HIGH! I know this is very deep rooted, and a direct result from the way I was raised. I know the source, and as the years have passed I have slowly found perspective. NOW is the time to SQUASH the voice that tells me I am FAT, that tells me that I am NOT WORTH it! That I CANT DO IT! The same voice that tells me I have to do EVERYTHING and LOOK THIS WAY, and that unless I DO I am simply NOT GOOD ENOUGH!... . . . . No more.
There is NO ROOM for that voice in my head! I deserve more than what I give myself. I am WORTH more than that.
I. AM. TOO. AWESOME. to let this continue!
I am starting where we all do. The beginning. :)
FIRST I need to get my head straight! I am seeing the counselor on base, and we are going to find the structure I need in my thinking, in my routine that will help me to think HEALTHY, not SKINNY! I do think this will be the hard part! Separating the two!~ They are one and the same, but very, VERY different! For me it is hard to separate, because I want to just HATE my body and the way I have come to look! For MONTHS I have been thinking I was ok with my body image! I KNOW I am a beautiful person, and I FEEL PRETTY when I look in the mirror! But then I realized, I have not been looking in the mirror at my body. I have glanced at my clothes to make sure my body is COVERED, and that my clothes COVER my body, but I have not looked at myself naked. Not in months. I have not wanted to see. I would LOVE to blame my weight on my boys and pregnancy, but I feel that would be a lie. I actually got healthier and HAPPIER with my body image when I was pregnant! I was able to maintain my weight! Just weeks after the pregnancy I was back to my pre-pregnancy weight, BOTH TIMES! I have gained all my weight in between pregancies! During my engagement to be married! I KNOW that when I am stressed, when I am pushing myself the most, when I am pushing to be perfect, to do everything-- THAT is when I eat the most! That is when I turn to food! I have developed a love affair that is both TOXIC and DELICIOUS! I have to STOP THINKING that FOOD is a reward for a good deed, or a hard day! I have to STOP THINKING that FOOD will comfort me when I am ANGRY or HURT or SAD!!! It WON'T. It simply won't! And it is THIS LOVE AFFAIR that has held me back from the AWESOME, BEAUTIFUL, HEALTHY PERSON that I CAN BE! (Not that I am not the first 2 listed there, but I know I can be so much MORE!)
So HERE-- Let us raise our glass (of Sparkling Cider!) ;) to a HEALTHY FUTURE!
I know that if I want to ENJOY my boys childhood, I will want to be IN THE PICTURES! I want to travel, to CAMP, to HIKE! To ROCK CLIMB! SCUBA DIVING! SO SO SO MUCH MORE than what I am even capable of doing right now! I WANT TO SKY DIVE and ENJOY the pics and memories made!
SO-- See that pic at the top left-- THAT is my goal! To be STONG, FLEXIBLE, and at PEACE!
I love Yoga, and I know that I can GET there!
My next post-- My weight history.
Sorry for the BOOK! haha. I think looking back though, when I am fit, I will appreciate that I took this time to write how I felt.
I am SO excited to have begun this journey, and that I have the technology available to me to keep a record of my progress and to share it with my friends, family, and readers! What an amazing blessing!
I would like to start by filling you in on how I got to where I am today!--- Long story short, or as short as I can muster! haha
I am 23 years old, 24 in one month. I have 2 baby boys and they are 2 1/2 and almost 9 months. I have a husband whom I LOVE DEARLY and have been married to for 4 years and counting! I am the oldest of 6 children, 8 total to include my cousins whom we adopted when I was a teenager! Yes. That is 8 kids. At one point we had 8 kids, 10 people in one house, 2 cats, and 1 dog... and 1 bathroom! haha. :) It was loud, crazy, fun, and often very VERY difficult!
When I look at who I am today I have SO MUCH to be grateful for, so MANY who love me, and yet I have much deep rooted pain that has festered for years and is on occasion rubbed raw again only to be covered up and ignored again, or I will heal a little at a time and slowly my wounds become scars. After years and years my scars will begin to fade as long as I continue to let them heal. On occasion they are ripped back open! This is life. I cannot allow the pain of yesterday to hinder my tomorrow! THUS BEGINS MY JOURNEY!
I have read that having a negative body image can not only hinder your progress, but lead to ultimate failure! THUS I have started meeting with a counselor! With her I am finding that above all my other issues, I am simply TOO HARD ON MYSELF! I am not Kind enough. I am not realistic. I set myself up for failure by setting my personal expectations TOO HIGH! I know this is very deep rooted, and a direct result from the way I was raised. I know the source, and as the years have passed I have slowly found perspective. NOW is the time to SQUASH the voice that tells me I am FAT, that tells me that I am NOT WORTH it! That I CANT DO IT! The same voice that tells me I have to do EVERYTHING and LOOK THIS WAY, and that unless I DO I am simply NOT GOOD ENOUGH!... . . . . No more.
There is NO ROOM for that voice in my head! I deserve more than what I give myself. I am WORTH more than that.
I. AM. TOO. AWESOME. to let this continue!
I am starting where we all do. The beginning. :)
FIRST I need to get my head straight! I am seeing the counselor on base, and we are going to find the structure I need in my thinking, in my routine that will help me to think HEALTHY, not SKINNY! I do think this will be the hard part! Separating the two!~ They are one and the same, but very, VERY different! For me it is hard to separate, because I want to just HATE my body and the way I have come to look! For MONTHS I have been thinking I was ok with my body image! I KNOW I am a beautiful person, and I FEEL PRETTY when I look in the mirror! But then I realized, I have not been looking in the mirror at my body. I have glanced at my clothes to make sure my body is COVERED, and that my clothes COVER my body, but I have not looked at myself naked. Not in months. I have not wanted to see. I would LOVE to blame my weight on my boys and pregnancy, but I feel that would be a lie. I actually got healthier and HAPPIER with my body image when I was pregnant! I was able to maintain my weight! Just weeks after the pregnancy I was back to my pre-pregnancy weight, BOTH TIMES! I have gained all my weight in between pregancies! During my engagement to be married! I KNOW that when I am stressed, when I am pushing myself the most, when I am pushing to be perfect, to do everything-- THAT is when I eat the most! That is when I turn to food! I have developed a love affair that is both TOXIC and DELICIOUS! I have to STOP THINKING that FOOD is a reward for a good deed, or a hard day! I have to STOP THINKING that FOOD will comfort me when I am ANGRY or HURT or SAD!!! It WON'T. It simply won't! And it is THIS LOVE AFFAIR that has held me back from the AWESOME, BEAUTIFUL, HEALTHY PERSON that I CAN BE! (Not that I am not the first 2 listed there, but I know I can be so much MORE!)
So HERE-- Let us raise our glass (of Sparkling Cider!) ;) to a HEALTHY FUTURE!
I know that if I want to ENJOY my boys childhood, I will want to be IN THE PICTURES! I want to travel, to CAMP, to HIKE! To ROCK CLIMB! SCUBA DIVING! SO SO SO MUCH MORE than what I am even capable of doing right now! I WANT TO SKY DIVE and ENJOY the pics and memories made!
SO-- See that pic at the top left-- THAT is my goal! To be STONG, FLEXIBLE, and at PEACE!
I love Yoga, and I know that I can GET there!
My next post-- My weight history.
Sorry for the BOOK! haha. I think looking back though, when I am fit, I will appreciate that I took this time to write how I felt.
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